Friday, November 01, 2013

" The Super Social Plover...."

A trip to TipTop Productions at the Forum Studio, ....

This time to see the talented Mark Newman and Dhugal Fulton ( directed by Marian Newman, with her customary flair)  in Tim Withnall's play" The Sociable Plover", which was first produced in London in 2005.

This was a short but intricate play...where every second was made to count by this skillful and imaginative cast...with Mark enthralling us as the weird   birdwatcher Roy Chester Tunt...and Dhugal as the mysterious visitor who just drops by.
Not a second loss in our concentration as we were immersed in this gripping play.....AND the twist in the plot, when it came ,was executed beautifully.

A jewel of an evening where Tiptop deserves accolades for this fine performance.

Next play at TipTop is " Bouncers", running from November 14th until 23rd.


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