Thursday, July 18, 2013

" The Story Of Walter Busterkeys...."

Here's the REAL Lee Liberace......

ALSO known as Walter Busterkeys.....Mr Showmanship.....The Glitter Man.
He's snapped in London in the late50's/early 60's ....with his mother, the indomitable Frances.

A friend and I saw a STUNNER of a  film, directed by Stephen Soderbergh  ( " Behind The Candelabra" )..... starring a brilliant Michael Douglas as Liberace....AND  if anyone warrants an Oscar, HE DOES!.......fabulous aiding and abetting too from Debbie Reynolds as a super Frances....and Matt Damon as his lover, Scott Thorson.

This is a Black Comedy about a man who, at birth, was decared a Genius! Born with a caul, lots of societies say THIS IS A SIGN.........and to many folk worldwide, he was.

This film deserves a 2nd viewing and I look forward to it.


Anonymous Ilse said...

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