Sunday, May 19, 2013

" This Blogger Well Liked THIS HOUSE!"

Posted by PicasaAnother National Theatre Live performance last Thursday at a local cinema.
And this time we had a " delightfully nimble-footed look" at Parliament ( says "The Evening Standard")  and I couldn't agree more.
In fact, THIS play was one of the most entertaining AND informative I've enjoyed.
Set in 1974 (when politics were particularly embittered) we seized onto a gripping storyline.... based ( and inspired) by actual events...and of course, on actual people .
AND yes, we searched for the Look-Alikes, e.g. Hesseltine ( glorious mane majestically flapping as he wielded The Ceremonial Mace) ....and that rather brooding hooded-eyed ( my mother's description all those yrs. ago) John Stonehouse....... ("drowning" on stage in a rippling sea in merely his underpants...)
Fascinating characters created, certainly a very heady mix  ( mainly menfolk, BUT the odd female was chucked in..coz .Mrs T would soon be seizing the day in her pussycat bows and ladylike lippie..... Mrs T, a Boadicea, teetering on the horizon....)

The play was written by James Graham, who was still a twinkle in Pop Graham's eye in 1974.
Graham has much to be congratulated upon. We will hear more. LOTS.**


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