Duffy At St Deniol's....
Except Stella's not just a writer. She's a superb teacher, actress, raconteur-ess (?) and first class comedienne.
Last week, with a gaggle of LitFest Friends ( some little F "friends" too...get it?*) I went to Gladstone's Library, Hawarden, North Wales. AND this place is a TREAT. See: http://www.st-deniols.com/
Once inside, you breathe in and you drink in its history..its characters too... and you relax UTTERLY..... AND I don't merely mean you'll loll UTTERLY on comfy leather sofas in the drawing room....which, yes, you will... and probably with a glass of wine or a cup of coffee...but the entire atmoshere pervades your senses....cossets you with its paintings, books, attractive juicy facts you'll learn... plus good food served by smiley staff... and there's green lawned gardens where you can read beside a fountain or a statue or two.....while REALLY having chance to Smell The Roses..
We started with an introductory chat from guide Helen ( she's also a friend and a Friend) then we took a tour of the house, library ( brimming with Gladstone's books, some annotated by himself) ...plus lunch and a talk with Ms Duffy.
AND THIS talk proved such fun that we twisted her arm ( both arms, probably) BUT result was we went back to Hawarden on Mon.... where Stella cheerfully led a great workshop for us...
SO Stella, if you read this, thankyou and hope you'll visit Chester LitFest....http://www.chesterfestivals.co.uk/...one of these days...
* Sorry, Folks, not being condescending, just being silly...
** AND I 've just finished novel in picture. London characters, their friendships, community. Brilliant word paintings I loved. Place/people you'll care about. I lived in London late 60's/early 70's..years later, my son lived in East London...and this book's a great refection of part of that amazing place..
yay! so glad it was good enough to blog about. (and yes, this place is very special.) and of course I'd love to visit Chester Lit fest ... (er, though your programmer/s might need to ask me!)
Good to hear from you.
Bet St Deniol's a lovely cool refuge today.
I help a bit with LitFest programme... so mentioned to LitFest Manager Paul how much we enjoyed your workshop.
LitFest is in Oct and therefore well on the way with its planning for 2012.. but sure he'd be very interested to hear from you for next year.
Hope your workshop goes well on Sunday.
Welcome back to the Blogosphere Jan! Had almost given up checking for updates, but here I am again.
Welcome back to the Blogosphere Jan! Had almost given up checking for updates..
Thanks Anne! Good to see you!
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