"Mikes And Oscars...."
1. Gill McEvoy's major success story in the NW poetry world : " ZEST!" ( open floor easy mike poetry sessions) held its party at Alexanders Jazz Theatre, its usual home ( see http://www.alexandersjazz.com/)
"ZEST!"goes from strength to strength. Much of its triumph is due to Gill and her two friends, Leah and Caroline.
"Zest!" has encouraged new poets to share their stuff with a very lively/very mixed audience....as well as providing a new floor for the seasoned performers. Lots of local folk ( and also not-so-local folk)...appreciate it hugely.
2. AND then there's Chester Theatre Club Party (www.chestertheatreclub.co.uk/ )
BEST BIT ( and worth becoming a Club Member just for this!).... is the Annual Awards Ceremony ...when "Oscars" are presented to "worthy" recipients ( sometimes with tongues hugely glued/stuck in cheeks!) by Anthony Wheatcroft ( suave in dinner suit) and Lisa Miller ( glam in "cocktail" dress) If you've seen all the recent plays ( and there's six a season) there's much to draw on...to applaud and remember all over again. ..
Next production at CTC ( January 18th-23rd) is Diane Samuels' award winning play " Kindertransport", the story of Jewish children brought to UK in 2nd World War. Samuels is Liverpudlian, born and bred. Her newest play is " 3 Sisters on Hope street", her take on Chekhov's " 3 sisters". This is set in late 40's LIverpool, as opposed to provincial Russia at the turn of the century.
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