Eric And Little Ern: A Very Big Treat!"
They starred in " Eric and Little Ern", which opened at the Edinburgh Fringe last August....and has since been a hit at the Vaudeville Theatre, London.
The partnership of Stephens and Ashpitel depicted the original partnership brilliantly....S and A "got" the ripostes just right.....ALSO the " tenderly" delivered digs .....the horrendous almost-alive Ernie "wig"......the twitching of the heavy-rimmed spectacles....the juggling of each other's jokes...AND physically, Stephens, really and truly, WAS Eric Morecambe........and Ashpitel WAS stocky, pompous, annoyingly lovable Ern.....
THIS was a great surprise to me, never expecting to love it so much....AS I was back on the old Christmas Day sofa , surrounded by Quality Street wrappers....and little boys in Mothercare pyjamas...and sleepy parents and VERY elderly Aunties Ruby and Florrie....
AND huusband R WAS once again struggling in the kitchen with the remains of the turkey....

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