"Behind The Scenes At The Queens School Chester..."
I nestled in my A.M's arms whilst Kate Atkinson ( http://www.kateatkinson.co.uk/ ) talked with us about her writing. The event was sponsored for LitFest ( http://www.chesterfestivals.co.uk/ ) by LitFest Friends.
Kate's prizewinning 1st novel " Behind the scenes at the Museum" has long been a favourite of mine. And yesterday we learned about Kate's work: her inspirations, how she tackles her craft, and about the delight her writing clearly gives her.
BUT for reasons that'll become clear, I sometimes think I should go back to my A.M in disguise....a friendly nun perhaps.... a tweed-clad octogenarian leaning on an elegant walking-stick.... or maybe I should back-comb my hair in a beehive, stick on Bet Lynch earrings, totter in on strappy white stilettos...but then a Bag Lady would be best option....because I can do Bag Lady perfectly, no prob.
HOWEVER I DIDN'T disguise myself yesterday. I sat on the balcony in my old School Hall in my normal clothes ( well, a few steps up from my jeans) and I remembered.
I remembered a morning decades ago, when I got to school early.... and as a Dare, I hid under the floorboards during Assembly....while the whole school trilled/boomed " Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven"....while The Headmistress ( with her long grey platt coiled around her head, like an ancient version of Heidi) extolled The Prefects, extolled The Caretaker, extolled The Lacrosse team, extolled The Orchestra...AND particularly extolled The Newly Donated School Benches on which one could only perch in one's sandals ....and I hid under the floorboards while a stuttering Remove ( with its skirt caught up in its knickers) read a Bible Story....AND then the Senior Choir descanted/fluted their way through "The Magnificat" and a haunting rendition of " Nunc Dimitus" ...
BUT it WAS good to be back yesterday .
It was good to be back, me a grandmother of 3... sitting sedately above floorboards.
PS: T'was cobwebs (fluttering in my hair) that eventually got me in trouble by breaktime...