"What Do You Call A Pair Of Poets...??"
OK, what DO you call a pair of Poets?
Well, in Chester last week..... it was" Armitage and Maxwell"....
Simon Armitage, yes, (who was appearing at Chester Lit Festival) ...and Glyn Maxell, also appearing, and also invited as the Festival's Poet In Residence.
I was lucky enough to enjoy 2 sessions: the first being Armitage's talk about his new book......a Radio 4 B of the W...... WALKING AWAY" ( see above) which particularly appealed to me...... as I love the SW of the UK....and Armitage's book tells of his Walk along that coast, taking in Somerset, Devon and Cornwall. He walked each day, then sang for his bed and also for his supper, no doubt, in the evenings.
AND after that session....... I managed a swift snack in pub by Town Hall....most Events held in the TH.......and I also managed a zingy glass of prosecco...before.I joined friends to hear Armitage and Maxwell speaking together "On Poetry"....lots of interesting chat between them.....which revealed their poetry, their lives and their very long-standing friendship..
I hadn't realised that their joint book " Moon Country"....written after a trip together to Iceland....... came about to honour a long ago trip to Iceland in the '30's......made by poets WH Auden and Louis MacNeice.
Another Pair of Poets....
See Macneice and Auden's book " Letters From Iceland" ( below)