" A Double Helping Of Ayckbourn..."
This past week, I've seen 2 of his plays, which bears this out.
Last Wednesday, to" My Wonderful Day" ( at Theatr Clwyd: http://www.clwyd-theatr-cymru.co.uk/ ) This is Ayckbourn's latest play, 1st to travel at once to New York after its world premiere.
The play tells of a day in the life of 9 year old Winnie ( Ayesha Antoine) ...and WHAT a day! She's off school ( ill) while her heavily pregnant mum cleans for a TV director and his wife ( and also for his secretary...Hmm, a clue to the action here!)
Antoine ( rather more than 9...) is a STAR....her girly diction is perfect... as are her facial expressions ( bored, worried, curious, disgusted: she's got the lot!) and the shrugging of her shoulders....her ( recognisable!) slopping/slouching about in school uniform...plus her childlike enthusiasm....her melancholy.....her devotion to her mum ( Petra Letang) demonstrated a talent to watch.
Then yesterday to Chester Theatre Club (http://www.chestertheatreclub.co.uk/ ) ) for Jane Barth's production of " Private Fears In Public Places" ( 2005) .... just this title would be enough to get me there...) AND it was quite superb. A strong cast, particularly the primly seductive secretive Charlotte (Jane Ellis) ......A great part, marvellously played....underlining again Ayckbourn's talent in writing for women..
2 Ayckbourns, then: and quite honestly: equally enjoyed.
*** Taking A Break. See You In April*****