" Glittering Medals...For Light, Sound And Wardrobe!" ( plus a small mention of a roguish but lovable Hound!"
Here are 3 bright stars who shone behind, above and beside the stage.
There's Rob Bradshaw ( left) who was in charge of Sound....Marge Walker (centre) Assistant to Director AND also Wardrobe Mistress par excellence...and Chris Evans, Lighting man.
AS you see, they're much appreciated. The cast awarded them each a glossy gold Olympic medal... plus a decent bottle of wine....Marge was also lucky enough to receive a tin of pilchards, which she holds up delightedly ...BUT that's another story.
MUST ALSO mention a trip yesterday to Theatr Clwyd to see a crazy and brilliantly funny new film " The Wedding Video".
Written by Tim Firth ( Chester Theatre Club's President) and directed by Nigel Cole, it's set in Chester and Cheshire ....featuring Harriet Walters/Miriam Margoyles......and it stars cuddly irrepresible Rufus Hound as the Best Man who decides to film the run-up to his brother's wedding. Robert Webb is the brother and Lucy Punch, the Bride.
AND in that last sentence is a very big clue to the climax of that hilarious film....
SO SEE IT IF you have ever been connected to a wedding in any shape or form.......
AND PS: The film even features the bridal shop where my daughterinlaw, K, bought her own wedding dress....and where I bought mine....donkey's years ago......eventually selling it to a 10 year old Rose Queen for £10......
AND a very IMPORTANT P.P.S: Brilliant Michelle Gomez ( " Green Room"?) played The Wedding Planner... unforgettable!