Sunday, January 25, 2009


Hmm. Blog being neglected latterly but he/she (?) will be attended to soon!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

"On The 12th Day Of Christmas.."**

I heard today that an elegant elderly beautiful friend of mine has decided that in 2009, she'll "embrace all new opportunity". That's wonderful.
But "think on", as my Granny would say: BEFORE one can embrace new opportunity, one needs to be able to recognise it ( ie. see it peeping and beckoning and ushering one to go around the corner )......
Ay, and there's the rub: the trick IS in the recognising. But my friend is savvy and wise and she'll recognise a new opportunity on sight ; she lives life to the full and she knows her priorities.

I've just spent 3 weeks living with flu. I felt horrendous, looked horrendous. Even my cats hid behind the sofa at sight/sound of me. I think they thought I was a barking rasping old Alsatian, scaring them in Human Form, wearing a long zipped up blue dressinggown , 2 prs of Fat Face socks and pastel blue crocks ( to the horror of eldest son)
But my energy's creeping back and it must be said: Being stuck behind 4 walls with merely enough energy to fall asleep ( yet again) , makes one decipher One's Proper Priorities.....

** BUT Best News: On 3rd Day of Christmas, my 2nd son and his wife had a gorgeous son, my 3rd lovely grandchild. Can't have THEM thinking their grandmother's a barking alsatian!