Oliver James ( affluent author of " Affluenza: how to be successful and stay sane" ( Vermilion, 2007) will be pleased with today's news. A little help is offered. A little light shines at the end of a tunnel. But forget that for now. I'll return to Oliver later.
Sometimes you're half -listening to the radio. Sometimes you're doing other stuff at the same time; scanning the paper, getting dressed, talking to the cat.You might even be having your worst argument for years with your Beloved. Or again, perhaps you're having one of those really meaningful conversations with him (her) that crops up every so often and should demand full attention.Then suddenly a phrase on the radio grabs you. Something's said that shocks, mystifies, strikes chords within, horrifies, amuses, intrigues ... and your attention's grabbed, like when you read the 1st paragraph of a very good book. ( Hmm, OK yes , I had a writing class today..)
HOWEVER: On Sunday, I was half-listening to Kirsty Young ( R4, Desert Island Discs) as she discussed some bloke's choices for his desert island. Suddenly, Kirsty mentioned Sloane School. Sloane was a renowned grammar school in the heart of Chelsea; it became Pimlico Comp, late 60's/ early 70's. Sloane was my husband's Alma Mater, so this interested me. I put down my carrots mid-peel or Saturday night's lasagne dish mid-scrub ( can't remember what) and listened properly. BUT... good excuse for another cup of coffee. And listening properly, I discovered Kirsty Y was interviewing Alan Johnson, ex pupil of Sloane, who is now our Health Secretary. And that was it. There were some good "tunes", some light Sunday morning banter ( perfect after dramas in "The Archers") and a potted history of our Minister. And the coffee was absolutely fine.
OK: Forget all that for now.
Next day ( Monday) Oliver James, clinical psychologist/best selling writer ( see start of this post) came to the LitFest. He's an interesting guy, a bit zany; I hasten to add that I like " zany". I think his trousers were pink, but I couldn't be sure.
James has had an interesting and varied career; at one time, he was applying his "Blue Sky" therapy to the Labour govt at Jack Straw's "Home Secretary Lunches"; he's changed allegiances now and currently massages the minds of Cameron's crew.
James has written several books but he wrote this one on his wife's advice; they wanted to hit NZ in a camper van for a long long holiday; cash from a best seller ( which " Affluenza" became ) would fund the job nicely.
AND James had fascinating thoughts which on Monday, he passed to his intrigued Cheshire audience: "Affluenza" is a virus-like condition that's spread to the world's more affluent countries, particularly UK. We're over-run by Selfish Capitalism; this is dire for our mental health. We're dissatisfied and greedy, we want sparkly new kitchens at all costs. We crave fame, we lust after fortune. Most mothers work ( many unnecessarily) most of us are weary, exhausted, unhappy. In fact, said James, as he stared out at a sea of faces ( some weary, some not), a quarter of folk sitting in the lecture hall that very night, actually have mental health issues in varying degrees....AND, he said, many folk have certainly forgotten HOW to be happy. Perhaps I'm lucky with my view of people, but I'm not sure I agree in total, but that's another story.
HOWEVER: it was a fascinating insight into the views of a man who has studied the intricate mind set of our society in the early years of a scaring ( but fantastically exciting) new century...
And back to today's news; that which Oliver James will applaud.
Alan Johnson (the ex Sloane schooboy, who chose his discs but obviously didn't go to his island) ) announced today that by 2010, £170m a year is to spent on psychological therapies, thus enabling 90,000 more sick folk to be treated. Mr James, as already said, quotes that 1 in 4 of us have mental health issues; Mr Johnson has a slightly happier figure , quoting 1in 6.
Good news then, this extra cash. Some folk treated WILL have the Affluenza Virus, some won't... because there are countless reasons for mental illness and Affluenza virus is only one of them.
BUT yes, Oliver James is right in many respects. Nevertheless, I know there are many virus-free folk who will STAY virus-free...Because they have attitudes to life and aims in life which keep them "clean". I've seen a crowd of them today. They're joyful folk. OK, they have difficulties in their lives, they have traumas ( who doesn't?) and some of them could be described as " affluent", some not....but their spirits are joyful, really joyful. ...
I've just talked to someone on the phone who has never had a new kitchen in her life. And she's certainly never craved one. ...
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